I don’t like Mylanta, so I’m not sure I would. But there’s a recipe circulating around the Internet and the result is apparently very tasty. I wonder if it prevents heartburn indefinitely? [via MAKE.]
says: Trent Icaza October 2, 2007 at 2:28 pm Omg, this is simply amazing i would drink this as a kid, i’d would go into the fridge and just sit there and take a few sips of it about 3 times a day, i can’t wait to try this receipe!
says: Tamar Weinberg October 2, 2007 at 2:32 pm Trent, when you do, please let me know how good it is. 😉
Completely Random, Internet, Personal, Software The Productive Online Business Toolbox: My Must-Have Tools
oh mylanta!
Sorry Jarid, he’s already made up his mind. 🙁
looks more like detergent.
close enough?
Would you eat detergent? 🙂
Looks disgusting. I prefer pepto anyway.
You can have Pepto Ice Cream too.
Omg, this is simply amazing i would drink this as a kid, i’d would go into the fridge and just sit there and take a few sips of it about 3 times a day, i can’t wait to try this receipe!
Trent, when you do, please let me know how good it is. 😉
OH MYLANTA…. that is simply delicious!!!!!