It’s Here: the iPod Touch

Thanks, Apple, for listening to me. I’ll manage without the storage by trimming down some songs, which will be a difficult task, but my WiPod is here. Awesome.

In case you missed it, Apple’s highly anticipated iPod launch was today. Notable appearances included the new iPod Nano (complete with three games: Sudoku, Vortex, and a third unknown game), the iPod Touch or what I call the iPhone without the phone ($399 for 16GB, $299 for 8GB), the familiar iPod Classic ($299 for 80GB, $399 for 160GB!), and a reduced price on the iPhone: we’re talking $200 off to $399.

So, what do you say? Are you going to be buying one of these anytime soon?

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5 replies on “It’s Here: the iPod Touch”
  1. says: Webomatica

    I love everything about this iPod Touch except the storage capacity which is a deal breaker for me – I’ve just gotten used to carrying my whole music library (30GB) which doesn’t include all the iTunes shows I’ve downloaded (another 16 GB). Really close to getting one though. And now that the iPhone has dropped in price that’s even more tempting than before.

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